I have no problem talking to girls. But I struggle to build a connection with them that actually leads somewhere. What do you have to do to get a girl to be your girlfriend?
- Hopeless Romantic
This is an amazingly common issue for guys.
The fact is, women aren't always straightforward. They don't always make it obvious for you what to do with them next.
Guys everywhere run into this same obstacle. She's friendly with you and she seems to like you... yet you can't figure out what to do with her next to move things towards a relationship.
You've no doubt heard all the common advice a million times. Just be yourself. Follow your heart. Take it slow. If it's meant to be it'll be.
That stuff sounds great... uplifting, even! However... what do you actually have to do?
Those nice platitudes do not tell you.
What I've found a lot of guys needs is not nice platitudes. Instead, what they need is easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions. Because once you have a reliable 'romantic roadmap' to follow, the fog vanishes.
And all that stuff about what to do with her, or where to take her next, clears up.
It all starts to seem simple and doable.
To help get you going in the right direction, I'm going to show you three (3) things that every girl needs (in different amounts) to become ready to be your girlfriend.