#2: She Tries to Sit/Stand Near You
If she always just ‘happens’ to end up nearby you, that’s another sign she’s trying to be a part of your life.
It means she wants you to talk to her – and she wants you to ask her out.
Girls who make it more obvious for you like this also make things more obvious in relationships. Which means a lot less “reading between the lines” for you to have to do later on!

#3: She Offers Her Aid When You Need Help
The name of the game in a great relationship is ‘teamwork’. A girl who’ll pitch in and help you when you need it is telling you she’s ready to be a part of Team You & Her.
That means it’ll be easier talking to her… easier setting up the rendezvous with her… easier to start a new relationship with her – and easier to keep it going, too.
Don’t overlook the little things women do to help you out.
Those little bits of assistance have big (and awesome!) implications.

#4: She Takes an Interest in What You Do
Ask any guy who’s had an incompatible relationship how important it is to have a partner who shares your interests. “It’s SUPER important!” he’ll say.
A woman who takes interest in what you do signals that she doesn’t just find your interests interesting, of course – she’s also telling you she finds you interesting!
We’re all more interested in that which interests those we like.
Not only will a girl who digs what you do make for a smoother relationship, but the courtship before you get her will go a lot smoother too.

#5: She’s Always Willing to Lend an Ear
Just like a girl who digs what you do, one who always wants to listen to what you have to say shows you she values you.
She’s intrigued by you; she’s intrigued by what you have to say; and she views it as worthwhile enough to stop and listen to.
It’s a great sign of a healthy future relationship – and a fun romance, should you decide to pursue her.

#6: She’s Fast to Message You Back
Everyone gets busy from time to time, and we all miss messages.
But a girl who puts you at the top of her priorities list will rarely do this with you, and will be just about religious about getting you a response when you message her. Toot suite, at that.
If you’re getting left on read or waiting to hear back for long stretches, that’s a sign things won’t be as easy with a girl. On the other hand if the girl you’re messaging always texts you back in a jiffy, it’s a strong sign she’s a keeper.

#7: She’s Happy However You Want to Talk
Want to send her 100 messages? She’s glad to keep messaging you back.
Feel like audio or video messages? She loves to get them and happily replies.
Tired of delayed communication and just want to video chat or call her? She’s thrilled and available for it.
When a girl is glad to talk to you however you want to talk to her, it tells you one thing: she just wants to talk to you, man!
She doesn’t care how. She just wants to be in touch with you.
And THAT is an excellent sign for your romantic prospects with her – both for getting the date and having the relationship.

#8: She’s Down for Almost Anything
Just like how a girl who’s happy to talk however you want to shows you she’s just really happy to talk to you, a girl who’s down for anything you want to do shows you she just wants to be with you.
If she’s cool with cafés, hikes, movies, ice cream runs, or just curling up at yours to watch whatever’s streaming, it’s a sign her priority isn’t the activity… it’s you.
And that’s a really good sign to see in a girl you want to date, and just as good a sign for how the relationship with her will likely go.

If you’re seeing these signs – even just a few of them – and you like the girl too, don’t leave her hanging.
No girl lasts forever.
So ask her out.
I’ve devised a unique science-backed approach I call “One Date” that’s allowed me and over 6,000 of my students to turn girls we want into girlfriends in just one simple, magical date.
The date is easy to run and girls LOVE when guys ask them out on it.
This is the romantic adventure women dream about with men… and all it takes is a few simple steps.
On the next page, I’ve prepared a special video for you where I show you how this date works – in addition, I give you a neat little strategy to know EXACTLY what a woman is looking for in only 60 seconds.
Click below to see how it works: