Good Move #2: Close Proximity
What do people do when they want to feel closer? They get closer — physically!
Women laugh at men’s jokes when they like those men. It doesn’t matter if the man is actually all that funny. As a friend who fared very well with women once said, “Women don’t like you because you make them laugh. You make them laugh because they like you.”
If she’s laughing at your jokes, take the opportunity to get a little closer to her.
You can either do that yourself: take a seat next to her, or scoot closer if you’re seated already… or you can invite her to do that with you: beckon her over, or even put your arm around and gently pull her in.
You’ll know from her reaction if this was indeed the right move! If she snuggles up to you or “melts into” the increased closeness, you’re doing something right.

Good Move #3: Touch Her
Nothing crazy here. It’s not like you’re going to pick her up and sling her over your shoulder.
Well, you could, maybe, if she’s REALLY laughing hard and you’re at that point in the date!
Usually though you are just going to use some simple, basic touch, like:
- Pat her lightly on the forearm
- Poke her belly and roll your eyes
- Squeeze her shoulder as you laugh too
Just a quick, deliberate, confident touch that is over in a second or two, but sends a clear message: the two of us are bonding through laughter and touch.

Good Move #4: Move It Forward
Our final good move: when a girl laughs, you want to take that moment to move things forward!
That might be something as simple as telling her your name if you’ve just met. Or you can take the chance to ask her out.
If you’re on the date, it could mean switching gears to ask something more personal about her.
If farther along, it might mean proposing the two of you change venues… go for a walk… or even head somewhere more private.
The point is that laughter is a high point. When a girl laughs, windows open up to move things forward with her.

If she’s laughing, you’re halfway there.
Nevertheless, you still need to do the other half to make her yours!
I’ve created a system – based on 221 scientific references plus over 15 years training thousands of men one-on-one to excel in romance – that allows men to take a girl they want as a girlfriend in just one simple date.
The date uses three “romantic elements” (heavily researched by scientists) to create a kind of “ideal romantic fantasy” for whatever girl you take out on it.
This date is simple to run, and girls LOVE to be asked out on it.
To discover how this date works, and how you can use it to turn a girl you want into a girlfriend in one single, amazing “night on the town”, click below to watch the free video on it NOW: